Friday, August 7, 2009

Smart Recorder on Smartboard

Smartboard users should check this out...Kathleen turned my on to the recording feature on Smartboard! It records audio and your actions on the smartboard (whether you are using smartboard software or not). I'm considering using this as a "goto" solution in my classes for items that I find myself "reteaching" throughout the year. I'll just do a quick video on these items and post them to my website. Then when kids come in for help on one of these subjects I can direct them to my website, and then help them with the finer details. Awesome!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Comments on Day 3 - iphoto

I've been jealous for many years of my brother in law. For years he has been sending out discs with pictures and audio from all of our family get-togethers. We have always loved getting them.

Now I can make these and send them out to my side of the family!

Thanks Kathleen!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 2 Article commentary

"podcasting articles" seems like a wonderful resource for anybody throwing together a podcast. All your questions can be answered, fairly specifically, by one of the articles there.

The article "What Has Podcasting Done for You?: Great Things Often begin in Small Ways," tells how a school got the kids more involved with the school by playing their podcasts to the school over the P.A. system. This idea of having kids present things to their school or their class can be intimidating for some kids. Having them get comfortable playing podcasts that they produce may be a step in getting them more comfortable with presenting to others.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Wild about Wikis - article

Good general article...look forward to learning more. Would love to use one as a travel journal so friends and family can follow.

Re: A Glorified Whiteboard

Amy Standen, in her article, points out the importance of trust in developing (or should I say setting up) a wiki. It seems as though setting up the wiki with some degree of structure is important to help focus the participants. I imagine that this is particularly important with students who are in required courses that they might not be fired up about.
I was thrilled to learn that the participation is "trackable" so we can see who is contributing and who is "leeching."

Tech Camp '09 (b):

Holy Mackerel what a set of toys at the playground! I can imagine using a blog to keep friends and family up to date on travels/big trips with photos and videos.

I'm not sure how useful it would be in the math classroom...although the kids could use it to create projects of some type.
Welcome to my first post to my blog.

Students stay tuned for more info on surveys that I'll need you to complete at the beginning of the school year.