Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 2 Article commentary

"podcasting articles" seems like a wonderful resource for anybody throwing together a podcast. All your questions can be answered, fairly specifically, by one of the articles there.

The article "What Has Podcasting Done for You?: Great Things Often begin in Small Ways," tells how a school got the kids more involved with the school by playing their podcasts to the school over the P.A. system. This idea of having kids present things to their school or their class can be intimidating for some kids. Having them get comfortable playing podcasts that they produce may be a step in getting them more comfortable with presenting to others.


  1. I think that idea of sharing with the school is a good one. Children are often asked to do this kind of thing live, and this may help some who are shy to be able to be comfortable sharing their work.

  2. I also learned in the article I read that podcasting student work on the web often motivates students to do their best. I thought this was a great tactic!

  3. Your comment is so similar to my own blog about the article. Hard to go wrong with having kids' work posted to create more interest in the lesson. This was true in Kindergarten bulletin boards years ago and with podcasts today.

  4. Podcasting ties in nicely with including the multiple intelligences in classroom planning. Giving kids different ways to take in and synthesize new information.

  5. This is not a comment on your article, but I just wanted to see how class is going today ... take some good notes for me.
